Comfort Station

Nathaniel O. Gould 1937

Built in 1937, the Comfort Station and was another "Works Projects Adminstration" project. It was a two story structure with restrooms on the top floor. Most likely the last structure built. I guess it was to give visitors a place to relieve themselves and keep the bathrooms in the Adminstration Building for staff. It was built into a hill allow top floor access from ground level. The bottom floor was level with a tunnel that connected evenly with the building. One of a few ground level entrances. This tunnel had clear access to the Hospital Building basement with no obstructions. It is my personal observation that stretchers could be used to discretly remove bodies from the hospital. There were two large doors facing away from the complex hiding them from plain view.

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Blue Print

Photo Source State of Michigan Archives

Nathaniel Gould November 1937

Photo Source State of Michigan Archives

Photo Source Dave Roberts


    Video Embedded Courtesy of Tterrab999

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