Northville Record Part 3

In Syracuse, N.Y. there is a school for mentally deficient boys and girls that has won the acclaim of psychiatrists the world over. There is another institution that has distinguished itself still more. That one is in Northville.

The Wayne County Training School, two miles south of Northville on Center Street Road, was opened in 1926. From it have gone 1100 unfortunate children with a knowledge and experience that helped them to take their places as good citizens of the commonwealth.

To see this task of moulding character and training minds have come skilled doctors from allover the world. Great universities point to the training school as unique amoung institutions of its kind. The Record takes pride in presenting the thrid in a series of articles, written from the viewpoint of a visitor being taken through, on this school which has grought renown to Northville.

To the right are scenes taken at the school; in the kindergarten, cottage, school classroom, and the Gymnasium. These pictures are typical of the excellent facitlies the school offfers.